Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Module 7

Nation building is a term used to describe deliberate efforts by Native nations to increase their capacities for self-rule and for self-determined, sustainable community and economic development.

Land slide, building collapse, flash flood and MRR-2 are the news that we need to concern about. Few years ago, a building collapse in Ampang that cause many people dead make us think about the ethics issue seriously. Is the building collapse because of human carelessness or ethics does not practice when built the building? Is there any procedures get wrong when built the building? If the workers who involved in the project completed the job ethically maybe this accidents can escape.

Another thing is MRR-2’s bridge that built in Kepong. Kuala Lumpur. We have been waited for 3 years for building the bridge for traffic convenient. However, we disappointed again. It has problem few years ago and need to spend money to repair it. The bridge was temporally cannot use, and we are suffer in congested jam.

Module 6

In my view, ethics should govern all voluntary human activities, and because business is a voluntary human activity, ethics should also govern business. Besides that, business activities cannot exist unless the people involved in the business and its surrounding community adheres to some minimal standards of ethics.

There are number of crime happened in an organization. Some employees are not practices ethically in their workplace. They trade the important business information of an organization to other competitors for their own purpose. Some even work for the competitor after resign from the old company. Hence, there is why ethical standards should be applied to the behaviors of the people in business organizations.

Honest business man produces and provides quality goods or services to his customers as well as may not be tempted to use malicious means to gain an unfair advantage on his competitors. They always care his business goodwill or reputation. “Honest businessman will be placed together with all the prophets”

Module 5

In my opinion, some people think something is “wrong” only if the laws prohibit it. Meanwhile, if the law allows it, it’s all right. We must not accept this attitude because “legal” and “moral” are two difference things.

Something maybe considered as a legal activity in a country but does not mean that it is moral. For example, in some country, sex worker is allowed by the rules and law but it is not morality. Law prohibits things that might be morally neutral or even good, namely homosexual, lesbian smoking habit in campus.

We do not take the law into our own hand. According to the newspaper report, there is a man was beaten to death by a group of people after he allegedly tried to grab a waist pouch from a trader. Even though some of the victims maybe suffered from such crimes, it does not justify the actions taken by those who caught them according to law. There are laws in this country.

Module 5

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Module 4

There are three levels of culture, for examples visible level of culture namely signs and symbol. The second level of culture is represented by the espoused values of a group. The third level od\f culture is the basic assumptions.

However, cultural understandings are sometimes much different between societies, nations or countries. Common practices can also differ markedly between nations. In western country, people will hug each other when they are meet. However, in Asean country, we will greeting or shake hand when we are meet.

The behaviour consider as a good culture practices not neccesary to use in other country. In Islamic country, we should not practice like western country. We can't hug each other when we are meet. We have to reaspect their own culture.

Module 3

Based on the activity 3 in module 3, the father asked his child do not smoking because of bad for our help. However father himself is smoking, and he excused that whatever he say and what he do are not necessarily the same.

In my opinion, as a father should follow what he had said to the child. Parents are the role model to their own child, they have the responsibility show a good mudel to their child otherwise what he said to the child its totally meaningless.

For example, if the father want the child adstain from bad thing like smoking then he himself also need to stop smoking. The child not only follow what his father say however follow what his father do.